Sunday, 22 February 2015

"Alternative" and Cool Careers

✺✦what makes you feel beautiful✦✺
Hello everyone! i thought this tip would be interesting, especially for those of you who aren't quite sure what you want to do for a career.
here's a list of five really cool, "alternative" career options.
- b o d y a r t i s t
we'll start with a strange one. body artists can do lots of things with their career. they can work at festivals and fairs doing temporary tattoos and face paint. or they could find a job working in a professional setting. sometimes fashion designers or expressionists, will want things to be painted on the model for photography purposes or "shock value". the possibilities are practically endless.
- s o n o g r a p h e r
sonogrophers perform ultrasounds on people. sonogrophers work in a hospital but are not, however, doctors. ultrasounds are used on many parts of the body and are very helpful in the medical world. not to mention the fact that you have the joy of seeing "baby's first picture" and showing it to soon-to-be-parents.
*if you're looking to be a sonogropher, you'll want to pick up those science and math grades, they will come in handy*
- i n t e r i o r  d e s i g n e r
this is a pretty-well known job, but many people don't think of it, when it comes time to choose a career. if you enjoy decorating your room with certain color schemes, or love a well-put-together home, this job could be for you! there are always people willing to pay for someone to help make their home beautiful.
- e t h i c a l  h a c k e r
i promise, this is not as bad as it sounds ;). many companies will hire ethical hackers ("test hackers") to test their systems for flaws. ethical hackers will make recommendations to companies on how to strengthen their security and protect against real hackers.
- a c u p u n c t u r i s t
this is probably one you've heard of before as well. acupuncturists place thin needles into the body of their patients to relieve any tension or muscle pain.

That's all i can think of at the moment, I hope you liked this post, see you soon!

Love Han x

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