Tuesday 9 December 2014

Dealing with Braces.

Hello everyone! I've had braces since my 15th birthday (Jan 7 2014) and it's almost a year since I got them. I decided to give you guys tips on how to take care of your braces. 
Just beacause you have braces, doesn't mean you aren't beautiful. Everyone's beautiful, no matter what. Here's a few things you must have in a wallet, bag, wristlet, ect.

Essentials. ;

O1. - ; Toothpaste with a little toothbrush. { Travel. }
O2. - ; Floss!
O3. - ; Touch-up makeup.
O4. - ; A brush!

If you don't like your braces, don't worry. Do not close your mouth when you smile! It makes your braces stick out from your mouth. Smile with your teeth showing. In a year or two, you can look back and see the improvment! Practice smiling in a mirror before the photos, it'll help you see what looks fabu on you! Smile lightly, not an overly cheesy smile. Look as cheerful as possible - as Tyra Banks says ; "Show the warmth in your beautiful eyes!". If you really cannot stand the braces, gather up some money and ask if the photographer can touch-up your photo, removing the braces! It has worked with one of my friends and she was estatic! Just remember, look up 'Miley Cyrus with braces'. She can kind of give you a glimpse of a cute, cheery smile and show off that metal!

Next topic, taking care of your braces! This is so important! You're parents paid loads of money for them and they'll spend more for the appointments.

Instructions. ;

O1. - ; Brush your teeth for two minutes. Make sure to get underneath the wires to clean all that junk and dirt out.
O2. - ; Using your floss, push it under your wires. Do every single tooth, even the ones in the back!
O3. - ; Gently clean between your brackets to get plaque off.
O4. - ; Use mouthwash daily. I suggest any name brand that has on the back, supporting dentists. It actually can help your braces be clean and shiny.
O5. - ; If needed - wear the headgear! It may be a pain, but it'll work out in the end. You're beautiful, headgear or not.
O6. - ; Stick to foods that need little chewing - applesauce, mash-potatoes, soup.
O7. - ; Stay away from foods like carrots. They get stuck under your wires and are horrid to get out!

Tips. - ;

- Don't be afraid of braces - there's tons of people out there wearing them right now. Thank your parents for actually going through with this and not letting you look like the crazy lady from down the street with one tooth! (:
- Lay on your back a lot, it'll help. Use painkillers if the braces pull back the first one to three days.
- Put on lip-balm before getting the braces on. It'll help keep your lips from cracking and drying up.
- The last tip, if you don't want braces, you can always opt for invisable braces. A brand name called 'Invisalign' has them. There's commercials all the time!

I hope I helped you beautiful - or handsome boys - girls out there! Smile! 

P.S special thanks to my best friend Erin for letting me use her pic for this post. She's getting them off soon!! Big loves to you bubzy!

Love Han x
