Monday 19 January 2015

Eleven homemade tips for dark eye circles

 tumblr girls - Google Search
Hello everyone, I know a bunch of us have dark circles so heres a tip i found on
1. Cucumber
- It works as an astringent and lighten the dark areas under the eyes. It also increases the blood flow and reduces the puffiness.
+ Grate a small sized cucumber and extract the juice.
+Dip cotton balls into the juice and apply it under the eyes.
+Do not rinse it off as the juice would be absorbed by the skin after some time.
+You can also keep thin slices of cucumber over your eyes.
2. Raw Potato
- Potato is known to reduce dark spots, blemishes, tan and pigmentation. It also reduces the puffiness under the eyes.
+ Grate and extract the juice of a raw potato.
+ Soak the cotton balls into it and apply it under your eyes.
+ You can also keep thin slices of potato over your eyes.
3. Potato and Cucumber
- Potato, a good bleaching agent is useful for skin that has turned dark or pigmented. Cucumber is a cooling agent and improves the appearance of the under-eye area. Coconut oil keeps the delicate area around the eyes naturally moisturized and eliminates dark circles, wrinkles and blemishes.
-Do this every day for a minimum of 2 weeks to start noticing a difference. Once you achieve the desired results, you can apply this every alternate day.
+ What you need:
- one Potato
- one cucumber
- little coconut oil/ almond oil
+ How to prepare:
- Peel the potato and cucumber and grate them separately.
-Take equal quantities of both and mix well.
+ How?
- Apply on the area around the eyes and leave on for 20-25 minutes.
-Rinse with cold water.
-Take a little coconut oil on the tips of your fingers and massage on the dark circles in circular motion, first clockwise and then anticlockwise.
- Leave this on overnight.
4. Tomato
- Tomatoes contain “lycopene” which is an anti oxidant and hence help for skin lightening. It also keeps wrinkles away.
+ Make a paste of a small tomato.
+ To this add ½ teaspoon of lemon juice and mix well.
+ Apply this under your eyes and keep for 15 minutes.
5. Rose Water
- Rose water is an important ingredient in most of the face packs. It has anti inflammatory properties which help in reducing the puffiness under the eyes.
+ Dip cotton balls in pure rose water.
+ Apply it under your eyes for a cooling and refreshing effect. It immediately reduces the puffiness under the eyes.
6. Fenugreek seeds
- It contains high amount of vitamin C, potassium and protein which help in lightening the dark patches under the eyes.
+ Soak 2 teaspoon of fenugreek seeds (methi seeds) in water and keep it for 3 hours.
+ Grind the seeds to form a smooth paste.
+ To this add a pinch of turmeric.
+ Then add 1 teaspoon of raw milk and mix well.
+ Apply this under your eyes and keep for 15 minutes.
+ Rinse off with cold water.
7. Orange lentils (masoor)
+ Soak 3 teaspoon of masoor dal overnight.
+ Make a smooth paste of it the next day.
+ Add 1 teaspoon of tomato paste and lemon juice.
home remedies to remove dark circles 2
+ Then add a pinch of turmeric and mix well.
+ Apply this under your eye and let it dry.
+ Wash it off with cool water.
8. Ice Pack
+ Take 2-3 ice cubes and wrap in into a soft cloth.
+ Keep it over your eyes till the ice melts off completely.
9. Mint Leaves
+ Crush a few mint leaves in a pestle and mortar.
mint leaves for dark circles
+ Apply these leaves under your eyes and keep for 20 minutes.
10. Green Tea Bags
- Green tea is rich in anti oxidants and tannins. It also helps in skin lightening and reducing wrinkles.
+ Boil the tea bags in half a cup of water.
+ Then keep these tea bags over your eyes for about 15 minutes to get instant relief.
+ You can also dip cotton balls in boiled tea leaves and apply under your eyes.
11. Healthy Routine
+ Drink at least 10 glasses of water daily.
+ Include green leafy vegetables especially which contains vitamin K like Sprouts, broccoli, cabbage etc.
+ Most importantly sleep for at least 8 hours a day.

Thats it, hope this helped

Love Han x
