Saturday 24 January 2015

100 nice things to do for others

100 nice things to do ○
studies have shown that helping other people can actually make you live longer, get rid of stress and mild depression, and even build self esteem.

read more:
and even more:
but to actually achieve those things, you’ll have to help someone, somehow. here are some ideas.
01. volunteer at a soup kitchen, animal shelter, orphanage, etc.
02. pick up litter and recycle it / throw it away properly
03. give your -waiter / waitress / anyone else serving you- a big, unexpected tip
04. buy something from a failing garage sale (even if there’s nothing good)
05. compliment someone (a stranger, or someone you know)
06. give food or water to a homeless person or a panhandler. DON’T give money, sometimes they’re addicts or not actually poor, and they will buy drugs. keep gift cards for restaurants in your car to give them.
07. buy someone’s meal at a restaurant / buy them a free dessert
08. cook your family dinner
09. donate clothes, blood, time, or money.
10. invite someone to dinner
11. volunteer to buy someone’s groceries, or pay for a portion
12. tell a mother that her child is cute (if the kid is a toddler or baby.) my mom always does this, and it’s kind of embarrassing but i’m sure the mother is happy
13. talk to someone who seems sad, try to cheer them up
14. help to plant a public garden
15. mow someone’s lawn, plant flowers, rake someone’s yard, or babysit for free
16. write a letter telling someone how much you appreciate them
17. give the -mailman / garbage man / anyone who works outside- a cold glass of water or lemonade on hot days and -hot chocolate / coffee / tea- on cold days
18. go to a library and recommend a children's book to a kid there
19. write someone a poem
20. draw something for someone
21. buy flowers and give them to a stranger (or to mothers on mother’s day)
22. call someone just to tell them you love them
23. buy a gift for a -friend / parent / sibling- for no reason
24. give a -blanket, hat, scarf, gloves- to a homeless person
25. tape money on a vending machine, attach a note saying “just thought i’d buy this for you. have a nice day!”
26. pay for the person behind you in a drive thru
27. donate food to a food bank
28. give a teacher or past teacher flowers or chocolate
29. leave encouraging notes around in your neighborhood (buses, benches, trees, dressing rooms)
30. give a stranger a cd filled with happy music
31. bring someone to church (but only if they’re willing!)
32. bake some dessert and give it to your neighbors
33. offer someone else your seat on / in a -bus, train, bench, restaurant, school cafeteria-
34. always say “thank you”
35. visit a nursing home. (the old people love seeing young people, it’s really cute)
36. give someone good advice (and mean it)
37. give a dog a treat or a bone
38. adopt a dog or 
cat from an animal shelter
39. encourage others to adopt a pet from an animal shelter
40. leave a favorite book in a random spot with a note on it. (operation tbd:
41. have a conversation with the cashier at a store (only if it’s not busy)
42. buy an extra umbrella on a rainy day, give it to someone without one
43. buy an extra pair of sunglasses on a sunny day, give them to someone without them
44. give someone directions
45. send a card (just because)
46. tell a joke to someone who looks sad (make sure it’s actually 
funny and not offensive in any way)
47. hold the door
48. tell someone they’re pretty
49. congratulate someone for their accomplishment
50. let someone go in front of you in a line
51. give a friend something of yours that they really like
52. introduce yourself to someone you see a lot, and ask them their name
53. help a stranger carry something to their car
54. buy loads of girl scout cookies, thank the girl scouts, and give some of the cookies to friends and family.
55. laugh at a joke someone told
56. praise someone publicly
57. stand up for someone being bullied
58. sit with someone who is alone at lunch
59. hug someone
60. buy a busy person movie tickets, so they have a chance to sit down.
61. run an errand for someone
62. help a friend’s parent or a party hostess clean up, or at least offer
63. walk someone’s dog(s) for free
64. make a homemade lunch for a loved one
65. or breakfast in bed.
66. get back in touch with an old friend
67. send anonymous valentine’s day cards
68. ask the people behind you in line at a movie theater what movie they’re watching, then when you buy your tickets, buy theirs too.
69. draw a little doodle for a waitress
70. ...or fold $1 of your tip into a cute animal. (my dad always folds $1 into an elephant)
71. leave nice comments on people’s  instagram/ facebook 
walls / youtube videos / blogs- and tell them how much you love it
72. give someone a thoughtful “coupon” (ex: good for one home cooked meal prepared by me)
73. leave a present for the mailman (ex: wrap up girl scout cookies and put it in your mailbox with a note that says “for our mailman”
74. bring some treats for firemen or police officers at a fire / police station
75. thank your -basketball / soccer / swimming- coach
76. write down people’s birthdays and surprise them with a “happy birthday!” when the date comes.
77. comfort someone who has lost a loved one
78. bring goodies to the hospital
79. give a good book or treats to a librarian
80. say hello to everyone, and smile
81. donate your hair
82. help someone with homework / help them study
83. forgive
84. hide dollars in the kids section of a dollar store
85. help someone find something in a store
86. fold clothes neatly if someone has messed them up in a store, and / or return them to their original location
87. lend someone a cute outfit of yours
88. write someone a really long letter about how much you love them
89. buy / give a kid a balloon
90. help someone clean up a spill
91. slip a nice note into someone’s locker
92. give your friend the bigger half of the cookie / whatever you’re sharing
93. ...or just let them have it
94. buy someone a pizza (coughcough me)
95. negative graffiti on the bathroom walls? write something nice next to it
96. help someone cross the street
97. do whatever your little brother / sister / cousin wants for a whole day
98. help someone move into / out of their house
99. put flowers on the grave of someone you didn’t know at a cemetery. (or say a prayer)
100. inspire other people to do nice things also (the best one by far.)

There are a lot of other "acts of kindness" but these are just the ones I can think of.

Love Han x

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